Cloud Computing – Migration Strategies – EN

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Migration Strategies

Future-Proof Your Business with Our Tailored Cloud Migration Services

Whether you’re looking to migrate your applications and systems to the cloud or modernize your legacy IT infrastructure, our comprehensive Cloud Migration Services have got you covered. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized migration plan that suits your business needs, while ensuring minimal disruption and maximum efficiency.


Lift and Shift: This strategy involves migrating an application or system as-is from an on-premise environment to the cloud without making any changes to the application architecture. 


Replatforming: This strategy involves making some changes to the application architecture before migrating it to the cloud, in order to take advantage of cloud-specific features and services.


Refactoring: This strategy involves making significant changes to the application code or architecture before migrating it to the cloud, in order to take advantage of cloud-native features and services. 


Retire: This strategy involves decommissioning applications or systems that are no longer needed or are not suitable for migration to the cloud.


Repurchasing: This strategy involves replacing an existing application with a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application that provides similar functionality.


Retain: This strategy involves keeping an existing application or system on-premise and not migrating it to the cloud. This can be due to regulatory or compliance requirements, or the application is not suitable for the cloud environment.